Gamifying Literacy: How Board Games Help Us Master Stories

Does your customer’s experience resemble a board game?

Maybe it should.

Board games make an experience easy access but challenging to complete. If a game looks too difficult, comes with complicated instructions, or isn’t clear about how to play, gamers will pass on it. By the same token, if a game is too easy to learn and succeed at, players will get bored and give it up for a bigger challenge.

What does this have to do with your classroom, your book, or your company’s story?

As it turns out, a lot!

Gamification is making inroads into every industry right now as people are realizing that games provide “the optimal human experience.” Some people say we are living in the “Golden Age of Board Games.” The sale of board games in the U.S. grew 28% from 2016-2017.

While games are fun and engaging, they also offer an opportunity to empower the mind.

Listen in on the first episode of The Afterword podcast as I talk with game designers Dan & Connie Kazmaier and James R. Hannibal. Plus, since Connie’s a teacher and James is a novelist, you get bonus thoughts about stories and teaching thrown in.