The Afterword on Robotics and Research

How does hands-on learning through robotics support literacy development?

The future of words will involve concepts like: #robotics, #coding, #collaboration, and the discipline of #innovation literacy. When educators combine the hands-on fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) with research and writing, the literacy development pay-off creates benefits in every sector of our community.

Our guests, Joel Tanner of BCuz robotics at Clemson University and Christine Plumier, a VEX robotics coach in Greenville, SC, share how the power of robotics enhances literacy learning in a multitude of ways. Christine explains how this innovative field allows for diversity and inclusion for all learners. A specific enticement is robotics competitions that foster teamwork, communication, and leadership.

Part 1 Airs in October 26

Part 2 Airs in November 2